Real Property Management Heritage

Eco-friendly Kitchen Cleaning Products for Your Garden Oaks Rental Property

There are some things in life that are more desirable than a spotless kitchen. Yet, not all of the cleaning supplies we use in our Garden Oaks residences are good for the environment. The good news is that there are now more sustainable cleaning products available than ever before. In fact, with a few basic items you likely already have in your kitchen, you can produce safer, impactful, natural cleaning products for a fraction of the price of store-bought goods that work just as well or better.

Why Use Eco-Friendly Products?

There are numerous advantages to using environmentally friendly cleaning products in kitchens. Harsh chemicals can be particularly bad for your eyes, throat, skin, nose, and respiratory system. They also represent a serious hazard to sensitive family members or pets. Many store-bought cleaning products contain toxins that can harm the environment in addition to having negative impacts on your health. Hazardous chemicals can enter groundwater, lakes, and rivers through our kitchen drain, polluting the soil, killing plants, and sickening fish and animals.

Eco-friendly cleaning products, on the flip side, use plain, non-toxic components that are healthier for the environment. Unfortunately, not all “natural” or “organic” brands are genuinely eco-friendly. Certain federal restrictions specify which items may use the term “natural.” In addition, no restrictions mandate makers of cleaning products to declare the products’ contents on their packaging. This implies that it is the responsibility of the informed consumer to either research the truly eco-friendly cleaning product brands that are available or manufacture their own.

Simple Ingredients = Safer Cleaning

White vinegar and baking soda are two of the most straightforward components included in the finest green cleaning products you can manufacture or buy. These two kitchen essentials can handle practically any messes your kitchen can create when combined in various ways. You don’t need to use the corrosive chemicals in many store-bought brands to thoroughly clean your entire kitchen with only a few basic common cleaning supplies. Here are some suggestions:

  • Floors: Wood and tile floors that have been sealed can be disinfected and cleaned with a little warm water, white vinegar, and a towel or mop. Though vinegar may not have a delightful smell, you can quickly improve the odor of your kitchen by adding a drop or two of your favorite essential oil.
  • Ovens: Cleaning the inside of your oven when it’s been burned on can be complicated. But with enough bit of baking soda, water, and perseverance, you can use a baking soda paste to extract all that obstinate muck. Before scrubbing, you should let the baking soda paste sit overnight for the best results.
  • Glass and shiny surfaces: Add water, cornstarch, white vinegar, and rubbing alcohol in a clean spray container to clean glass and other polished surfaces. Next, spritz and wipe thoroughly with a lint-free or microfiber towel. Since paper towels are not eco-friendly and often leave stains and pieces of paper towel behind, using them to wipe the glass and bright surfaces is not a smart idea.

Buy or DIY?

If the notion of creating your own cleaning equipment seems unpleasant, there are now a lot of sustainable options. Some top brands are Method brand products, Mrs. Meyer’s cleansers, and Bon Ami solutions. These, as well as other brands, claim that their products are practical, safe, and eco-sustainable. Even the packaging for some of these companies uses only 100% post-consumer recycled plastic.

After you learn about the advantages of eco-friendly cleaners, you might never go back to using harsh chemicals in your kitchen cleaning products again, whether you decide to buy them or create them yourself. You’ll not only safeguard your property and yourself, but you’ll also be contributing to environmental preservation!

If you are looking for a rental home or seek assistance with managing your rental property, get in touch with Real Property Management Heritage at 832-701-0766 to talk with a skilled Garden Oaks property manager right now!


Originally Published on February 28, 2020