Real Property Management Heritage

How to Get Your Deposit Back When You Own A Pet

Quite a lot of Timbergrove renters grasp that keeping a pet in a rental house is a big responsibility. Not only do you need to know for sure that your pet is safe and healthy, but that your rental home is protected from damage your pet may inadvertently cause. Pet damage is one of the most rapid ways that a renter can lose their security deposit. Even if your landlord grants you permission to keep a pet, they still want the property returned in good condition once you move out. To be sure that you get your security deposit back when you own a pet, you will want to minimize pet damage. The good news is that there is a lot you can implement to make your adored animal from causing lasting damage to your rental home.

Keep Claws Busy

Scratching is a natural habit for cats and some other household pets. But really, to protect your rental house, it’s necessary to keep scratching behaviors away from the floors and walls. For cats, you will need to provide several scratching pads and posts. Even something cheaper and affordable can help keep your cat’s claws busy and prevent them from scratching on other surfaces. Most cats will go to the scratching pad or post when they learn of its purpose, but you can also enforce its use by using pheromone sprays and wipes.

Keep Boredom at Bay

Boredom is one of the most prevalent reasons a dog will bite or chew on walls, doors, and other household surfaces. If you discover that your dog seems to want to chew on everything, chances are high that you do need to add in more exercise and playtime in your dog’s day. Regular exercise can help your dog manage that extra energy and lower down the amount of chewing he does. Mental stimulation is similarly very important. If you have a smart dog, teach him tricks to keep him occupied, and nurture a stronger bond between you.

Proper Potty Training

Housebreaking any dog is an imperative part of protecting your rental home from damage. Dog and cat urine are both extraordinarily detrimental and can damage walls, floors, and a whole lot more. Preferably, make sure your dog has a way to go to a yard during the day. For cats, present one or more litter boxes, and keep the litter clean every day. If you still find spots and accidents in the house, have your pet checked by a veterinarian. A few physical conditions may cause a pet to lose control of their bodily functions, most of which can be addressed with treatment. If you see a potty mess in the house, clean it up with a very good quality enzymatic cleaner. This form of cleaner will eliminate odors and encourage your pet to avoid the area the next time he feels the call to go.

Manage Anxiety

Some pets feel severe anxiety when they are left at home alone. Dogs are inclined to be upset and may bark, jump, or chew on blinds, doors, and even carpet. If you want to leave your pet at home alone for lots of hours every day, it’s principal to work with him to reduce or eliminate such behaviors. One of the effective ways to deal with separation anxiety is to keep a routine. In the event that you leave, go through the same motions in the same order. And just as essential, do not make a big deal out of either leaving or coming back. Wait until your dog is calm before giving him affection, and you will right away see a reduction in the intensity of his excitement when he meets you at the door.

Using these measures, you can prevent damage to your rental house and get your full security deposit back, all while similarly guaranteeing that your pet is living a happy, healthy life.

Are you in the market for a pet-friendly rental house? Check out the listings that Real Property Management Heritage has to offer today!